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Driving Schools

A driving school is an establishment that trains drivers to excel in the art of circuit driving by combining theory and practice. It allows participants to develop essential skills, such as mastering advanced driving techniques, managing lines and optimizing performance on the track. Safety is at the heart of the training, with rigorous learning of the rules and practices ensuring responsible and efficient driving in a controlled environment. In addition, the school offers the possibility of obtaining a road circuit license, an essential step to legally access the tracks and participate in racing events.

Académie Andrew Ranger

The Andrew Ranger Academy is a driving school that will be held on the Sanair complex road circuit. The academy is aimed at both thrill seekers who want to have a memorable experience and pilots who already have some experience and want to improve their skills on the road circuit.

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Association des instructeurs du sport automobile


 L’AISA tient un certain nombre d’écoles de course et d’autoslalom sanctionnées tout au long de l’année dont la « AISA Race Academy » se tenant chaque printemps. C’est plus de deux jours de formation, pour tous les niveaux, visant à améliorer la conduite de tous nouveaux pilotes visant ou non l’obtention d’une licence de pilotage. Peu importe le niveau que vous avez atteint jusqu’à présent en tant que conducteur, notre personnel expérimenté vous aidera à pousser un cran plus loin.

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Académie Virages

The Virages Academy represents the natural evolution of the Virages Club, already recognized for its advanced driving courses and lapping sessions, mainly organized in Mont-Tremblant.

It enhances this offer by proposing the issuance of road circuit licenses and by introducing training dedicated to future instructors. All this is completed by an online training platform, designed to allow students to consolidate their theoretical knowledge before moving on to practical training on the circuit.

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Competition license

ICAR Expérience

Our Mustang GT Competition License package will teach you the techniques needed to become an ASN/FIA license holder.

This 3-day experience is a leap into the world of professional piloting. (Insurance not included)

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